Hey Ladies!
We’ve received a few questions from ladies about the first steps to take when their new hair arrives, so we’re starting a Tress Talk blog series to help you out. Watch the video below to learn more and read our tips that follow!
When you first get your Glamour House of Hair extensions, you should wash them first. The hair is created in a factory, which means various soaps are used to cleanse and condition the hair prior to us shipping it out to you. There may be some residue on your bundles when they come straight out of the package. So you want to co-wash your hair. This means that you’ll wash and rinse your hair with a moisture-rich conditioner and water (not shampoo).
Hair doesn’t need shampoo, unless you’ve used a lot of product on the hair, and it will not need shampoo if it’s new. (If you decide to wash your hair with shampoo down the line, use a sulfate-free clarifying shampoo.) Sulfate is a soaping agent that is harmful for the hair. It’s used in dishwasher liquid, car wash and other detergents. Your sulfate-free shampoo may not sud up as much, but suds do not equal clean—suds equal stripping. A sulfate-free shampoo will prevent stripping. Try to substitute shampoo for a moisture-rich conditioner, whenever possible.
After you wash your extensions, always let your hair air dry if you can. Our virgin extensions will be beautiful right away, but for optimal results, air drying is best.
Check back next week for a new Tress Talk post, and join our founder Rochelle Jackson on Periscope at noon this Tuesday for #TressTalkTuesday. Download the Periscope app so that you can interact live.
Stay glamorous!